Women in Ag - Women around the World March 8, 2017 21:21
Hey Everyone!
We're doing a sister blog - Jessica, Andria and Briana are all contributing authors!
In light of International Women’s Day, we would like to reflect back on people and opportunities that have contributed to our success.
Growing up on a farm, we were raised in an environment that encouraged the growth of our independence, responsibility, work ethic and our passion for agriculture. Our parents encouraged us to participate in sports, supported our involvement in 4-H and kindled our pursuance of education in agriculture. Farm chores and problems that occurred helped us develop creativity and problem solving techniques. Our mom, Janet has been a fantastic role model for all three of us. She has demonstrated a tremendous work ethic, great strength and most importantly: how to care for and love each other.
Throughout our childhood, we built forts, did chores at the last minute before the parents got home, and cared for the sick animals. We also yelled, teased, and cried as we grew up, developing friendships and love for each other. Being part of a farming community, the culture and people, eventually brought us together and made us the women and supportive sisters we are.
As sisters, we have had our share of fights, secrets, and times of cooperation. Throughout our youth, our values and ideals very much aligned with the many community role models we were exposed to. University education and post-secondary athletics allowed us to increase our passion, ability to problem solve and be coached. As the years have gone by, we have all developed a distinct passion for the agriculture industry. Together, we have discovered how three sisters can impact an industry, and how we can continue to teach and share what we know about agriculture and farming.
At this time, the Women in Agriculture Conference is occurring in Calgary, AB. In 2016, the three of us and our mom, Janet attended the conference, alongside 600 other women from across Canada and the United States. We heard stories of success, failure and perseverance that inspired us to continue to work on our collaboration to grow our website. The opportunity to network and meet the women that are leaders in the industry was amazing.
We attribute our successes and inspirations to the community around us, but today, most importantly, the women we have met, who have taught us, who have loved us, and showed us what women in agriculture are capable of.
Have a happy International Women's Day 2017!